Evolution 1 - Find a new home

This is part of what’s behind the notion, introduced in the preceding post, of a federation of coops, engaging various elements of back end, front end and community engagement/facilitation ‘out there’ in the solidarity/coop/commons economy, rather than a single coop and one single tool (BBB in meet. coop). The coops each might have their own regime of payments and revenues (and payments of ‘rent’ or ‘services’ between some of them); also their own stack of software tools to administer. Some of them might be, as @osb wrote, pretty small and tight focused. others might be looser, more ‘volunteerist’ and community-organiser focused (more like NGOs or campaign orgs). A hunch: single sign-on for User members of the federation, across all platforms, might be a deal breaker?

The tech coop ecosystem already has this kind of diversity, internationally. Maybe it’s time we began to specialise in a more aware and mutualised, solidaristic way, on various missions of various federating entities, and to federate better across coop models, and across linguistic and cultural communities. Anyway - I’ll try to knock up a thought-provoker in a BBB recording as soon as.