Evolution 4 - Do the learning, evolve the legacy

The job list for this topic included:

  • Convene a learning pod
  • Design a method, outline a programme
  • Interview multistakeholders in the project , and
  • Solicit and curate their accounts and reviews of the project and their expectations of the project, in any other form they would like to offer.

After trying to crowdsource this kind of contribution , it looks like an explicit research approach on this isn’t going to be possible. Folks are just too committed elsewhere, to give time and attention :roll_eyes: . So de facto, the way this will be done is through supporting the Board of Stewards in assessing ways forward. Watch this space here over the next few weeks, for posting on:

  • Evolution of meet. coop - What triggered the present course of action. The kind of action we’re attempting to take and outcomes we want to achieve. See Evolution 4 - Do the learning, evolve the legacy - #11 by mikemh
  • Principles becoming highlighted - libre software toolstack(s, plural), a community to be served, relationships and contributions of (various kinds of) coop members, commons governance, infrastructuring for organise-activistrs, coop-to-coop federating, cross-regional User-member base, plural language communities
  • Learning from 3 years’ experience, the attention meet. coop has received, offers of solidarity