Evolution of meet.coop - Background and framework

Summary of decisions, special All-hands & Board meeting, 02feb2023

  • Decision: no participant is against the rationale of folding meet.coop as it is.
  • Decision: accumulate some explicit learning. Many people have an interest in what our project has been, and what has worked.
  • Decision: Collocal absorbing our members and taking over platform ops is a fallback option, not the preferred option. We should notify @hng .
  • Migrate platform ops and member base to another multi-stakeholder co-op with its own strong community, member-facing front-end and subscription machinery: Commonscloud/femProcomuns, MayFirst, social.coop. Decision: This is the option we prefer. Much of the discussion was around social.coop, as a new home for the platform operation and for our members.
  • We have a decision on freezing our service commitments, providing plain vanilla rooms from now onwards, no more event servers or other ‘special’ services. @dvdjaco @Yurko
  • Also decision to create 1-page documentation of the tech operations aspect, to share with social.coop tech team (and publicly, thro the forum). @andia @dvdjaco
  • Also decision by @mnoyes , to raise within social.coop the matter of platform-transfer and member-transfer to social.coop (when the documentation above is to-hand).
  • 6 months should be the max time to complete a transition, 2-3 months max to decide. We should start with the tech team at the host organisation, which will be faster, and if they give a green light then we would be looking at a 6-8 month decision time after that. Meanwhile we could include the social.coop tech team as meet.coop volunteers. Agreed.
  • We can meet again in march and see how things are going. March review - run a vote @ forum. Go/no-go with social.coop (Collocall as fallback).
  • What about the money we have now in the bank, can we use that to pay a decent salary for the time remaining? We can postpone that decision until the next meeting in march, there has been a lot of unpaid work in meetcoop, let’s all think about this.
  • Timing Decisions:
    • not running on for months indefinitely. Six months OUTSIDE to complete the transition. Tech transition itself takes some time. so - the decision/negotiation should be three months max
    • the ‘social’ timeline in a recipient coop could be 6-8 months?
    • minimal service now, and thro transition
    • invite tech team @ social.coop as voluntreers in meet.coop tech circle
  • timeline more decisions:
    • Month 1 - communicate statement to all users, invite them for a short process of discussion in the forum with a decision about the path forward
    • write 1 pager
    • approach SC Tech WG- social.coop tech team will be YES/NO pretty fast
    • publish @ OpenCollective
    • open thread(s) @ forum
  • Crash team, to see this through - who? Decision: @mikemh @mnoyes (social.coop) @dvdjaco (SHORT discussions, tech style :wink:), @Graham (work w members), @andia (comms incl 1-pager). Action mh: open a DM thread in forum
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