Evolution of meet.coop - Background and framework

The project

It’s proposed that the project to evolve meet. coop has four dimensions:

Each of these has a thread in the Forum, linked above. Each thread starts with Write a brief for this thread, open a job list and logbook. Brief and job list are in each forum thread. Below is an initial spreadsheet that summarises threads and tasks at 06feb2023. Read-only public link: Nextcloud

Each project thread also has an item: Publish & discuss @ forum. As far as possible, actions, plans and reasoning will be published in these forum threads, so that all members of the community can contribute and respond. In this way we mean to arrive at an outcome that:

  • meets the needs of user members
  • is workable and sustainable for the operational members in the new host coop, and
  • furnishes some resources for the wider community of coop-commons, solidarity-economy and civil-society organisers, regarding what was well framed and executed in the meet.coop project, and what wasn’t, so that other initiatives in digital infrastructuring in the commons might evolve a stronger, clearer, richer and more sustainable and resilient collective frame.

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