Exploring Call-in / Dial-in

Thank you for all your expertise anarcat! I pretty much agree with you on all the points!

VOIP.MS if a little-known gem in the sip industry and they are great. My biggest issue is how to expand this internationally. The international DIDs are limited to 2 channels. I’ve contacted them to see if there is a feasible solution to this problem

I agree, if we can figure out a way to keep all the sip stuff on the voip.ms platform, we can leverage it to do routing, such as leverage our international phone numbers to connect to any of our servers. But there is quite a bit of operational work that would need to get done!

Thank for this very interesting.

We are still in the process of moving to 2.3, i dont think 2.4 will be something that will be available in the near future. So with that, we spent the effort on free switch to get these features now :slight_smile:

Guess we just have to port them when 2.4 comes along =)