Microphone Issues on Big Blue Button 2.2 (Resolved)

Thanks tech.circle! In sum: The community had been asking for upgrading to BBB 2.3 and you planned to do this early 2022. The Chrome induced audio connection error accelerated this upgrade. And in the process we got 100% control over our own infrastructure, now deployed with the code we have in our gitLab repositories. This process has been hard for all of us, especially for our users having a hard time during their meetings, and stressful for tech.circle, who has seen itself forced to run a migration and upgrade to a totally new infrastructure without a controlled testing process. Fortunately they have automated the deployment scripts so for next migrations, changes and upgrades can be done with much less effort.

When we get to more routine updates and upgrades, we can do this is a more controlled way. Where commercial software as a service (SaaS) operators have a development team and a quality assurance team, our QA process involves the user community - we have no paid QA staff as such. So this would look like this: tech.circle first deploys any proposed changes on a development server, then some of the active users test out the changes and when good, tech deploys on the production infrastructure.