Sign-up - commons.hour session#5

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commons.hour session#5 - Regionalising and infrastructuring the coop economy - A federated vision for digital infrastructure

Graham Mitchell (Platform6, Webarchitects, Kirklees Social Care Coop)

  • 1 Governance within coops
    • Reframe multistakeholder as multi-constituency
    • Workers in’s task-oriented Circles servicing a User-members’ Council?
      Examples: Rochdale public housing organisation, Webarchitects coop, Kirklees social care coop.
  • 2 Federated structures - Achieving scale and scope, and avoiding unnecessary complexity inside a coop.
    • Scaling (the brand and service commitment) > increased income > shared infrastructures > fair wage for essential operational work contributions
    • Achieve scale (new nodes, in more geographical locations) without top-heavy central machinery, over-complex coordination and language/communication traffic, and multiple jurisdictions/tax regimes/regional cultures/users’ requirements/etc. Through . .
      • Commons protocols (handbook).
      • Common technologies and practices (server sysadmin scripts, tech/product/organisation tools and protocols, work sprints)
      • Common standards of service.
      • Common governance model (plus federal level Assembly and Council).
  • 3 Regionalism in solidarity economies - Digital infrastructure and regional collaborative economy
    • Enter alliances as a member of regional solidarity/coop economy projects, as a preferred infrastructure provider for video meetings.
    • Developing the cooperative/collaborative/commons economy in a region/bioregion/cultural enclave/etc, rather than a market/contract economy
    • Participate in local currencies, serviced office pools, recruitment/training arrangements, etc.
    • Do this through regional federated instances: see 2 above.
      Example: Greater Manchester

Screenshot from 2021-09-06 13-20-43 28 February 2022 (Fourth Monday). Gathering starts 18:00 UTC, closes at 19:00.
Extra time runs from 19:00 for half an hour, for offers & wants, informal check-in and organiser-chat.

registration_form Please register for this event - knowing how many people intend to participate helps us decide our facilitation approach.
Click the ‘GOING’ icon at the top of this page: Going-icon Thanks.

Screenshot from 2021-09-06 13-20-58 The gathering is in the commons.hour room at meet. coop. For best performance, please use Firefox or Chrome browser, and a PC or laptop. The meeting will be recorded. If you wish to be anonymous you should join with an altered name, and leave your camera off.

Screenshot from 2021-09-06 13-55-18 Essential links

  • Background notes: To be posted xxx.
  • Discussion thread - Session#5 discussion Post-meeting links & resources (video recording, shared notes, take-home summary, etc) will be posted here. Feel free to open discussion on this topic at any time - even before the session would be great!

I just wanted to thank everyone for their time and invaluable contributions to the discussion yesterday. I learned a lot from the conversation, and I look forward to more in the same vein. Here’s to the power of indoctrination!


thanks a bunch, Graham, edu/indoctrination is important, jaja! I think it was very insightful what you presented and the discussion we had with the various participants in the session. Really good sharing and learning to guide the growing up of meetcoop!

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