Welcome to the dance of infrastructure project

Initial notes on the above project statement, just for starters . .

  • We will curate and facilitate a timetabled series of online discussions, monthly, on this challenge of how to provide digital means of organising, under commons governance.
  • We will invite experienced and insightful users and providers of digital resources to open each discussion, leaving plenty of time for the open floor.

These two points will be handled by making the practice an extension of our tested commons.hour format, running thro 2023. https://forum.meet.coop/c/reportage/comonshour-sessions/60

We will carry out this series, not as any kind of academic seminar, but as a practical design workshop, for a commons of digital means, which can be mobilised under the diverse conditions of our diverse organisations across the regions . . It’s about design justice.

This frame of design justice is to be developed in the draft meet. coop Handbook. Here is a placeholder for a developed discussion:

Discussion will be here in the forum.

We will include the awkward question of paying for access to digital resources, versus free platforms and free software. What is at stake are significant matters of fairness and sustainability, privilege and labour.

In picking up this topic, we’ll extend and deepen the thinking we’ve collectively done in commons.hour during 2022, on contribution economy and livelihood work:
Session#6 discussion,
Session#2 discussion,
A note on concepts
and on openness and limitation in digital stacks
Session#10 discussion.

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