I’m a regular user. Doing my accounting.
It’s kind of an accounting nightmare to have 12x2 invoices (24 in total), 1 for meet.coop and 1 for the opencollective contribution for every year.
Is it possible to create an annual plan?
I’m a regular user. Doing my accounting.
It’s kind of an accounting nightmare to have 12x2 invoices (24 in total), 1 for meet.coop and 1 for the opencollective contribution for every year.
Is it possible to create an annual plan?
Btw if anyone needs it for their accounting purposes, it’s always easier to file everything in 1 accounting item.
Here is a quick recipe for getting all PDFs squeezed into one:
Put all your invoices in one directory without anything else. Create a script, let’s call it combine-invoices.sh
with the following content:
if [ "$1" ] && [ "$2" ] && [ "$3" ]
finalfile="${@: -1}"
pdftk "${@:1:$# - 1}" cat output "$finalfile"
echo "Combine 2 PDFS: ./combine-invoices.sh file1.pdf file2.pdf outputfile.pdf"
Then run some commands:
# Install pdftk
sudo apt install pdftk-java
# Make the script executable
chmod +x combine-invoices.sh
# Run the script to combine all the invoices
./combine-invoices.sh /path/to/invoices/*.pdf all_invoices.pdf