Let me forward you this invitation for three reasons:
- this is an online platform and forum for cities with a municipalist agenda, interested to drive the grassroots initiatives, feminisation of politics, doughnut economy, and commons and cooperative initiatives in the city. There are many shared values and shared social battles within the meet.coop ecosystem.
- It’s programme team, part of the City of Amsterdam is member of meet.coop
- they have contracted meet.coop to provide a scalable dedicated BBB server with streaming options. We hope that their contribution will drive some of the improvements that several meet.coop members have asked for.
Without further await… here’s the invitation, with kickoff this Friday at 13h CET, with Kate Raworth and others.
You are invited. To change the city.
In cities across the globe a movement is growing that is committed to building a just, social and sustainable society. In streets, neighborhoods and districts all over the world countless people are working for a world in which the well-being of all takes precedence over the profits of the few. It’s time for these movements to come together. This will happen during the Cities for Change Forum, from March 26 to early June 2021. We welcome you to join!
Cities for Change is an international digital platform where residents, neighborhood groups, social organizations, NGOs, civil servants, administrators, scientists and social entrepreneurs from all over Europe come together. To share, to inspire, to connect and to collaborate. The power of our movement grows when we work together locally and internationally. In this way we can develop a new agenda for change and make today’s alternatives, tomorrow’s normal.
Change the world, start at the city
Cities For Change Forum
kick-off March 26, 2021 from 1 pm to 3 pm
From the Tolhuistuin in Amsterdam with live conversations and pre-recorded videos. With, for and by residents, neighborhood groups, civil society organizations, NGOs, politicians and anyone interested. With keynote speaker top economist Kate Raworth (author of ‘donut economics’) about the urban economy of the future and the social side of the ‘urban donut’.
Register for free and look at www.citiesforchange.org
how does Cities For Change Forum work?
Cities for Change is an online, diverse and interactive event. You can follow tutorials and webinars, or listen to podcasts and lectures. You can participate in online debates, exchange ideas and sharpen your thoughts. You can meet Amsterdammers and other city dwellers in neighborhood conversations, panels and breakout rooms. And of course you can rewatch everything at a later time. Themes, tracks & topics are New Economy, Climate & Energy, Migration & Discrimination, Housing & Public Space, and Digital Democracy.
Sign up now and stay informed: www.citiesforchange.org
About the organization
Cities for Change is an initiative of De99vanAmsterdam. De 99 is a do and think tank that is committed to a just, sustainable and inclusive city by connecting inspiring people, ideas and initiatives from Amsterdam and other cities. De 99 van Amsterdam was founded by the Municipality of Amsterdam after it joined the Fearless Cities network. An international city network of progressive cities founded in Barcelona in 2016. Cities for Change is an initiative to connect the Fearless City movement with initiatives in Amsterdam and vice versa. The 99 van Amsterdam and Cities for Change are made possible by the Municipality of Amsterdam.
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