Collaborators with Marketing Plan

For realising the marketing plan, @osb and the need help. One way is to seek collaborations with organisations inside and outside our community. This thread is a placeholder for the general discussion about that; when getting into specific collaboration agreements it can be forked into its own specific thread.

Platoniq Goteo Foundation
We have a collaboration in place with them in which they mention us in their newsletter in Spanish, Catalan and English to some 130.000+ subscribers. In exchange they get a free multi-user account. Some six months has passed so it’s time to evaluate. I just return from a quick call with Olivier Schulbaum. Summary:

  • they will send us click-through stats
  • they have been using so far internally with their teams, but are still hooked up to Zoom integrated with Miro/Mural which they use for their public workshops.
  • for an occasional public meeting - when they had various parallel ones - they have used, and noticed that often there’s someone with issues getting their mike connected.
  • It would be good to have info on what features people use in our platform; due to privacy we don’t monitor that, but maybe a UX survey would be good.
    Olivier’s recommendations:
  • produce a series of short video tutorials in which we explain one feature, e.g. the whiteboard, or different settings for different kinds of sessions (workshops, courses, team meetings, assemblies, seminar, conferences). He highlights the fact that we have “permanent rooms”, that can be very useful as a dedicated online room per team. Zoom doesn’t have that. To sit around the camp fire like we did in the Board meeting, is really a good image.
  • He also tells the message that people have taken the right decision to join up with us, knowing that there are platforms out there with some better features, but it is important to join forces.
  • We should target the cooperative / social economy. Cooperative actors should feel obliged to join. They first need to know about We need more communication for that.
  • They could include a video about a specific feature in each monthly newsletter, so people learn more about what you can do with
  • He’s noted the next Board meet on 9 June in his agenda and will present himself at the “Stewards Get to Know Each Other” thread.
  • He’ll look out for coop funding opportunities for us.
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