@Jaime of our tech coop cousin, May First Movement Technology, gives news of an event being organised in Colombia
I had time to catch up with friend and comrade from Colombia who is working with the organizers of an event called Desafiando el Capitalismo / Defying Capitalism that is bringing together representatives from the following organizations for 3 days of conversations on July 26-28:
The Black Communities Process (PCN) (Colombia).
Movement for the Defense of the Rights of the People (MODEP) (Colombia).
National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) (Colombia).
People’s Congress (Colombia).
Academy of Democratic Modernity (ADM) (Kurdistan).
Center of Jineology
Kurdistan-Colombia Solidarity Committee.
Network of women weaving the future
The list continues to grow and appears to be a really powerful mix of radical grassroots organizations. Download the official invitation.
MayFirst has joined this list of supporters:
Centro Martin Luther King (Cuba)
Código Sur (Costa Rica)
Coordinación Internacional de los partidos y las organizaciones revolucionarias de
las Americas ICOR-AMERICA
Frente Popular Darío Santillán (FPDS) (Argentina).
Frente Democrático por la Liberación de Palestina (Palestina).
Internacional Progresista IP
Kongreso Nacional de Kurdistan KNK
Movimiento de Pequeños Agricultores (MPA) (Brasil).
Movimiento de Trabajadores Sin Techo (MTST) (Brasil).
Ukamau (Chile).
Red Alforja (Centro America)