Decidim / BBB integration

Decidim looks like it might be a great tool for hosting large co-operative general meetings and such like, are using it.

There is a Jitsi plugin feature proposal and a general video conferencing proposal with a funding / decision deadline of Sunday 21st June, would anyone, ideally someone or an organisation in Barcelona, be able to post to that thread explaining why the BBB API might make it an ideal option?


Cool. Digidem Lab work with Decidim too and it works really well. We’ve had some interest in decidim+video integration for following local city council meetings too, but nothing concrete yet.


Well spot, @chris and @szczepan_animorph ! I have just registered the proposal in catalan in their website, but noted that it is a few days after their deadline, so let’s see what happens.

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Did anything hatch here? Yes, Decidim is a good thing to hook up with.

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