Evolution 2 - Migrate the platform

BBB platform

  • WebTV is looking to recruit a sysadmin, difficult. Meanwhile other organisations provide reserve capacity. Gabriel is default sys admin.
  • WebTV can take over (substitute? upgrade?) the Montreal server (Koumbit @anarcat @Sebas891 ), but the one in Europe (Hetzner) can remain in place. This is tactical - if cost could be reduced by making something run on WebTV infrastructure that would be a reason to migrate a servce.
  • Open a sysadmin conversation now: @gcotnoir @dvdjaco @Yurko - in Discourse.
  • What’s the status of the third (experimental) server funded by Community Bridge, linked to their Wordpress instance (via a shared secret)? To be clarified w @dvdjaco @freescholar (private thread https://forum.meet.coop/t/collaboration-with-agaric-communitybridge/1256)