HBF partnership

The Heinrich Boell Foundation uses BBB Salle d’Accueil for its internal video conferences worldwide. It would be possible to contact the server administrator via Fabian Heppe a project manager in Tunis. The Heinrich Boell Foundation has been supporting projects about commons for +/- 10 years. We are working now on the translation of Free Fair and Alive by Bollier & Helfrich with their support. I think it would be possible to offer them a partnership, perhaps as a member or sharing servers ? What do you think ?

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Hi Frédéric, I recall that the HBF organised International Commons Conference in Berlin in 2010, probably the first time you and me met? :wink:
On their website I couldn’t find easily who’s helping them run BBB. They have a post from TacticalTech recommending BBB, but no indication of who’s their tech partner in this. It maybe a good opportunity to reach out and set up a meeting with them. Please count me in.