OPEN 2020 planning

sorry - still not working for me - I still see the pdf
I tried signing out and in again and rebooting my room but no change

How strange this is on the server right?

All I can think is that your browser has cached it locally, can you try with another web browser?

If that doesn’t solve it then we could implement changing the default presentation another way.

2nd browser still delivered the same result - not a big deal.
I’ll upload the OPEN slide in the morning and just hope the room doesn’t crash all day :wink:
Thanks for sending emergency contact details

It would be interesting to know how much of the server capacity we’re using for the conference during today and tomorrow. Any details on bandwidth, CPU and RAM usage? Are there error logs of interest? Possibly we can obtain this through Koumbit or directly by monitoring our services. Not sure what we have in place in terms of monitoring right now.

I’ve been posting usage graphs on this thread, I haven’t really looked at the logs, did anything go wrong?

Any idea how quickly / how we will be able to get videos?

Thank you so much to everybody who’s contributed to this big push to get the development instance, and today’s conference instance up, in time, and get us thro the day(s). :clap: Thanks also to @petter and @wouter for contributing to this afternoon’s session. It was a fascinating mix I feel. I hope you have dynamics flowing from that, for the coop. And had a good time, in your own space :wink:

A post-op review to be done, d’you think? I’ve not looked yet in the ‘lessons’ thread to see what’s there. Thanks again.

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slightly worried I only see the 3 test videos we made on the 8th when I look at the Main room
I hope everything recorded OK?
We definitely recorded nearly all of the sessions
but because it only ever showed “pause” it may be one big file…?
Nothing showing in the list tho … could someone look into this for me?
Hope it’s stored somewhere on the sever…
Thanks all - it did work very well :slight_smile:

There is 5.1G of raw recordings on the server, we will see what can be done with them.

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The “OPEN 2020 - Main Room” has been open and running since June 11, 2020 06:48 UTC, currently there are two people in it, if you stop the recording and leave I’ll make the changes to remove the Open2020 default slides and re-enable the Etherpad etc.

Thanks Chris, I have stopped the room - still don’t see the video/s in the list tho…
Please let me know how I can get the videos as I’d like to start editing them and getting them online - lots of people have been asking for them already. Maybe Hightail them to me?

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I’ve opened an issue for the processing of recordings, there does appear to perhaps be a problem, but I’m not exactly sure, this is the first time I have looked at this aspect of BigBlueButton:

Probably best left the ffmpeg process complete and then see what we have after that…

Thanks Chris - keep me posted… hope it’s not too complex to figure out

can u estimate when the ffmpeg process might complete?

Sorry I don’t know, we have never tried recording a session with around 50 people for a day before.

There is one 14 hour recording that has now processed, I have made it public (is that OK, should it be private?). There might be some other formats we can make available for download later.

Thanks Chris - public is fine I think… but we really need to find a way to download the videos so we can do some editing and then get them up on our website - Do you know how we can get the videos out of Greenlight!?

Great to know the media are there. Thanks Chris. I admit, I was worried. 5.2GB didn’t sound like very much.

Yes, we do need a routine ( needs a routine?) for conference organisers downloading recorded media in easily editable form.

Recordings session-by-session would be a good start. Although the room was constantly open, was only switched on for selected periods. These need to be treated as discrete files? Is this a simple hack in Greenlight?

Hope I am not being a pain - but the delay on being able to download and edit videos is causing some stress now as people are asking when they will be available and atm I have no idea what to tell them… What do we need to do to be able to get the videos out of greenlight?
Can anyone work on this for us?
This feels like an essential component of the service we signed up for… as highlighted above 8 days ago… to which @decentral1se replied

Please can we do this asap?
