Planning of Xmas party

We have had issues with the youtube play and sync where some users don’t seek correctly. It got very confusing when trying to discuss the video as it was playing.

Audio on BBB is designed for voice, it suppresses “quite” noises which means the volume must be over the threshold at all times. There is also echo cancellation that is implemented to reduce feed back, and may create some undesired suppression when others are talking.

I ran music through a BBB instance a few weeks ago to do a long-term test of the rooms. It worked fairly well but i noticed that at the beginning of the track it would be a bit louder then taper off to a normal level after a few seconds. I’m guessing this is some kind of normalization that is occurring.

The problem with “LIVE” anything is buffers. For conference calls you need as close to 0 buffer as you can get so there is no delay. This creates allot of audio distortions if users are on a poor connection. Youtube and other “Casting” platforms have the luxury for having bigger buffers. This helps the end user be able to store some data ahead of where they are watching to be used when there is a momentary disruption in the system.

At Hypha we increased the jitter buffer a bit and don’t seem to have any ill effects as of yet, but this will only help with momentarily issues of a person speaking, not necessary the receiver.

One interesting solution could be to have the BBB in an iframe, and create a player row at the top. This would link to YouTube Live.

This would bypass BBB, give individual users to change the volume of the music.

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