Zinc.coop looking to join forces on video infrastructure

Hi @anaulin welcome to the forum, I am an Operational Member here.

Our process is to schedule a discovery call to learn about each other. Usually it makes sense to invite an Operational Member if there is a clear fit with our areas of work that need more hands. At other times we find ways to work together that is mutually supportive, not necessarily as an Operational Member.

Some of us have experience embedding BBB to other places. For example, in this thread. @Yurko may speak to this better technically, but I understand it as pretty straightforward.

As for @Yasuaki’s comment re: license, while BBB is GPL licensed, I think there are ways to interface with a BBB instance via APIs from non-GPL compatible software that is GPL compliant, so I don’t see that as a particular concern. I also feel that asking a maintainer of another project to “[maybe] reconsider the licensing scheme” is inappropriate in this context as it falls out of scope of the original question.

@anaulin I can take a discovery call this week with Convene if you’d like to proceed this week, just to learn about where each other is at. Tagging in @wouter @dvdjaco @osb if they’d like to join. I am ET but they are EU time.

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