Proposal: Platoniq Foundation to join as Operational member
They are a group working on co-creation, design thinking and free culture for some 20 years and are the founders of the Goteo crowdfunding platform. The latter is a crowdfunding platform for the commons and open culture, social and solidarity initiatives, welknown in Spain and beyond through many international projects they have been participating in. Another interesting line of work is their involvement in the Decidim community, an online participatory platform for cities and large communities.
About Platoniq Foundation. Creativity and Democracy
- Foundation based in Barcelona, governs both the Platoniq work as the Goteo Platform
- Their team includes 19 people of which around half regularly organises online meetings.
- They have a social base of campaign leaders and backers of 130.000 people
Concrete Proposal
- have Platoniq/Goteo as operational member
- with a specific marketing commitment to regularly publicise in their channels (biweekly newsletter to Goteo userbase)
- have their involvement very much confined to this marketing effort, as part of the - while they’d be welcome to engage more whenever they’d feel like it (of course
- as such we’d expect their participation in at least 1 All Hands and 1 meeting per month
- compensate their effort with a multi-user account
- review this arrangement in 6 months and possibly adjust after mutual agreement
Note that other operational members get only a Level 3 account, but get compensated through the compensation framework for their work. In this case the initial compensation is framed through a multi-user account on a 6 month evaluation basis…
- Agree
- Abstain
- Block
0 voters