Programme principles & goals

This is where we propose and discuss principles & goals of the Community programme.

Here is an initial draft on Principles.

In addition to the Principles draft above, there now is a draft strategy for the Community programme. This is to help us assemble an appropriate programme team and appropriate session toipics, to get the pilot sessions off the ground.

Feedback on the above suggests the goals of the programme weren’t sufficiently clear. Here is a draft on goals. It doesn’t replace all that’s in ‘principles’ above, but these two docs should perhaps be merged, with the ‘goals’ as the main framework? Most of the ‘principles’ above appear as sub-goals in the latter doc.

The community programme has two strategic goals:

  • First, on top of the coop’s basic service of providing digital infrastructure . . Evolve an additional layer of service to members, namely the development and sharing of capability and insight, in three key domains of practice.
  • Second, extending the de facto original form of as a workers’ coop of operational members . . Evolve a practical foundation for well-founded participation of user-members in multistakeholder governance. This is a fourth key domain of practice.