Session#9 discussion

Take-home - Post-meeting summary

We discussed:

  • Power and understanding as dual aspects of language in a meeting and in a community
  • Contribution in the commons of the meeting: the workings of translating and interpreting should be visible on the face of the meeting. It is shared, mutualised work, a work contribution in the commons of understanding and skill.
  • Language check as an opening protocol in meetings.
  • Cards in commons, a social game of commoning and its enemies - in multiple languages, with dual language content on any card.
  • Automated translation possibilities
  • Tech strategies within a meeting, experimented with:
    • a shared Etherpad in plural languages (coded in colours)
    • parallel rooms in BBB, one room per language.
    • closed captions
  • A protocols approach has central importance (recognising contributors’ identities, resting in active facilitation in the meeting), in contrast with (in conjunction with) a tech approach (pads/parallel rooms/captions/automated translation - as above)
  • Timespan: “The meeting is not just the meeting” - also pre- and post- work (design, research, async contributions, etc)
  • Documentation of the practices and capabilities we’re speaking of. Agreed to explore ongoing documentation projects (, Remix wiki, commons.card, handbook. Etc?) and in-process media resources.
  • European Social Forum gathering, Firenze, Nov 2022. Agreed to collaborate in bringing today’s insights and skills to design and facilitate of some elements at ESF2022. Agreed to stay in touch as we learn about the preparations (Remix, in contact with Jason Nardi/RIPESS, femProcomuns).
  • Links from the meeting are in the meeting discussion thread: Session#9 discussion - #2 by mikemh
  • Links also part-duplicated in the French notes: Framapad semestriel
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