commons.hour session#5 - Regionalising and infrastructuring the coop economy - A federated vision for digital infrastructure
Graham Mitchell (Platform6, Webarchitects, Kirklees Social Care Coop)
- 1 Governance within coops
- Reframe multistakeholder as multi-constituency
- Workers in’s task-oriented Circles servicing a User-members’ Council?
Examples: Rochdale public housing organisation, Webarchitects coop, Kirklees social care coop.
- Workers in’s task-oriented Circles servicing a User-members’ Council?
- 2 Federated structures - Achieving scale and scope, and avoiding unnecessary complexity inside a coop.
- Scaling (the brand and service commitment) > increased income > shared infrastructures > fair wage for essential operational work contributions
- Achieve scale (new nodes, in more geographical locations) without top-heavy central machinery, over-complex coordination and language/communication traffic, and multiple jurisdictions/tax regimes/regional cultures/users’ requirements/etc. Through . .
- Commons protocols (handbook).
- Common technologies and practices (server sysadmin scripts, tech/product/organisation tools and protocols, work sprints)
- Common standards of service.
- Common governance model (plus federal level Assembly and Council).
- Achieve scale (new nodes, in more geographical locations) without top-heavy central machinery, over-complex coordination and language/communication traffic, and multiple jurisdictions/tax regimes/regional cultures/users’ requirements/etc. Through . .
- 3 Regionalism in solidarity economies - Digital infrastructure and regional collaborative economy
- Enter alliances as a member of regional solidarity/coop economy projects, as a preferred infrastructure provider for video meetings.
- Developing the cooperative/collaborative/commons economy in a region/bioregion/cultural enclave/etc, rather than a market/contract economy
- Participate in local currencies, serviced office pools, recruitment/training arrangements, etc.
- Do this through regional federated instances: see 2 above.
Example: Greater Manchester
- Do this through regional federated instances: see 2 above.
28 February 2022 (Fourth Monday). Gathering starts 18:00 UTC, closes at 19:00.
Extra time runs from 19:00 for half an hour, for offers & wants, informal check-in and organiser-chat.
Please register for this event - knowing how many people intend to participate helps us decide our facilitation approach.
Click the ‘GOING’ icon at the top of this page: Thanks.
The gathering is in the commons.hour room at meet. coop. For best performance, please use Firefox or Chrome browser, and a PC or laptop. The meeting will be recorded. If you wish to be anonymous you should join with an altered name, and leave your camera off.
Essential links
- Background notes: To be posted xxx.
- Discussion thread - Session#5 discussion Post-meeting links & resources (video recording, shared notes, take-home summary, etc) will be posted here. Feel free to open discussion on this topic at any time - even before the session would be great!