The BigBlueButton site has some video tutorials to get you started. Also as a session host. This page.
For the Cities for Change programme I recorded a specific tutorial, going through the “ten things a session host should know” about running online conferences at See here the page, and here the paginated video.
The tutorial introduces these 10 points:
About this service
Access to a room
Layout of a room
Keeping order
Streaming bot
Save session content!
I’m sure this can be improved, but hopefully it can be of good use! And feel free to add your tutorials to this thread as well.
For the Amsterdam City’s Cities for Change programme we deployed an experimental streaming service, to stream the conference rooms through vimeo to the Cities for Change website, or any other website for that matter.
I recorded a little tutorial to explain the basic steps to set up the streaming pipeline for that.
Let it be noted that this - extending BBB with live streaming capacity - isn’t yet a standard service we offer, but if you are interested, let us know and we can see how to deploy it for your events.
Our Welcome email for new account holders links to a page of Guides. That link redirects to our home page - where there are no guides. Something got broken in migrating the website? Do we in fact still have the videos that are referred to in the Old Markdown page below? Right now do we have a Guides page?
The video tutorial I recorded for the Cities for Change programme is directed at session hosts of online conferences, and while it maybe a good intro to the options, it might also be considered too much for an intro for new members. Notice that it also includes live streaming and break out sessions. Not everyone will want to know about that for their first session through
So the question remains - do we have a proper set of tutorial videos to offer new account holders, and are they accessed in a obvious way from some landing page? @osb@melissamcnab
They were on the previous website, myself and Oli recorded those, however I’m unsure of the whereabouts after Oli and Petter changed from the old site to the new one. @osb might be able to shed some light?
I can’t find them anymore I thought I had made a page on the WP site with the videos but can’t see it anymore. A few of the fonts and colours are still messed up so I think we need to do quite a lot of web updates.
I’m working on the fonts etc - please bare with on those.
Do you still have a copy of the video files anywhere? As mike said, it’s important they’re up, I’m happy to add making a page for them into the updates I’m doing.