Welcome to the dance of infrastructure project

Here’s an update on work done in the past month, since 2022Firenze, and proposals for design work to be done, short-term, during January 2023.


Design framework
From a conversation between @mikemh and Rebecca, a note on was distilled on design framework/principles for the programme: Nextcloud. A thread on this is open: Design framework for the programme

The critical task is to develop a running list of topics and opening speakers. There’s an an outline list of session topics here: Nextcloud A discussion thread is open here: Topics of sessions

Toolstack for this collaboration
This forum should be the basic channel for discussion (as distinct from email for example). A more comprehensive set of tools will be needed. See danza toolstack: Nextcloud .A discussion thread is open here: https://forum.meet.coop/t/danza-toolstack/1261