Welcome to the meet.coop handbook
- Listing of categories & subcategories - to be added xxx
- Map of the handbook - to be added xxx
1 Intentions in meet.coop
- Spaces - The stack of digital commons provisioned by meet.coop - to be added xxx
- Commoning - The essential form of practice and the basic social intention - to be added xxx
- Principles - The basis of an ethical coop - to be added xxx
2 Political economy - Contribution and recognition in meet.coop
- Members and contributions - to be added xxx
- Political economy in a digital infrastructure commons - to be added xxx
3 Social relations - What meet.coop does in the community
- Sectors of community - to be added xxx
- Altered social relations - to be added xxx
4 Assemblies & deliberations, development - The spaces where development and stewarding happen:
- User members - to be added xxx
- Operational members - to be added xxx
- Board of stewards, general assembly - to be added xxx
- All-hands meeting (standing assembly of operational members) - to be added xxx
- Forum - to be added xxx
- commons.hour
meet.coop handbook by meet.coop is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.