Hi All,
As mentioned in the logo dev thread we need to define the various elements (‘mission’ / ‘purpose’, ‘tone of voice’ and ‘perception’) that the Meet.coop brand should encapsulate. So this thread is a space to add your thoughts, which the Product circle will then distill and develop into visual language… and a logo etc.
Any and all input - from everyone (not just Members) - will be useful, so please do chip in!
Add anything you think is relevant… in any format you like… the more input we can gather the better.
Some questions to think about might be:
- What do you see as the ‘mission’ / ‘purpose’ of Meet.coop?
- Should our brand represent just ‘video conferencing’, or more (i.e. online collaboration in general) in order to ‘future proof’ the brand if we decide to offer other tools further down the line…?
- What principle and values do you think the brand should represent? Clearly the co-op principles are a key part of our brand… but what else?
- What other aspects do you consider to be important ingredients of Meet.coop? collaborative working? open source? co-ownership? collective-purchasing? solidarity? commons? what else?
When I run branding sessions like this with clients we take time to define each of the four different dimensions of the brand, i.e. it’s functional, social, mental, and ‘spiritual’ (or ‘idealistic’ if the word ‘spiritual’ puts you off!) aspects - as per the attached
So you might like to add thoughts under each of those headings…
Finally, a potential concern was raised on the wiki
threat: people associating with animal meat, it sounds the same, though quite a different business
Therefore we don’t exclude the possibility to also have other domain names pointing to our servers. Meet.coop is nice short though.
So we would also like input on the actual brand name - and, if you think we can do better, suggestions for alternative brand names / URLs
We will let this thread run for a couple of weeks and then, once we have distilled the input we will develop some initial ideas based on your input and present these back to the All Hands meeting to gather more feedback and input which we will use to develop the final brand.
I hope that all makes sense - Any questions, just ask!