In this thread we post new documents added to the public folder for the Community programme. The public folder is here:
. . and the readme is here:
In this thread we post new documents added to the public folder for the Community programme. The public folder is here:
. . and the readme is here:
Where to find Community threads in the forum, and public documents in NextCloud
Post-meeting notes, first open community gathering
Back story - Earlier notes on principles for the Community programme are reposted here. They explore community, solidarity economy and participation of global-South organisations.
Back story - The original note, leading up to discussions on a Community programme, arising from discussion in the Forum - Nine things we could do for community development
Here’s a draft version of a readme doc for the Community programme. It’ll evolve as the programme gets more defined.
Principles for the Community programme - An initial draft for discussion has been posted here. A thread for discussion is open here in the Forum.
Protocols for conducting sessions in the Community programme - An initial draft for discussion has been posted here. A thread for discussing these is open here in the forum.
Programme strategy - In addition to the Principles and Protocols drafts above, there’s now a draft of strategy for the Community programme. It’s built around the three threads of the programme, plus an experimental approach to ‘the language question’ in a global network. Discuss under Principles.
The short-term purpose of the draft is to pull focus for an appropriate team to get programme pilot sessions off the ground.
Feedback on ‘principles’ above suggests the goals of the programme weren’t sufficiently clear. Here is a draft on goals.