Community circle
Collaborating Collaborating category contains topic threads on potential affilaitions and collaborations with coops, platforms and solidarity-economy or movement organisations, growing our wider community and potentially recuiting User members or generating Collaborator members… It sits under Community circle and has a tag timeframe-comment. commons.hour Commons.hour is the venue in which the multi-stakeholder stewardship approach of the coop is to be evolved, including preparation of a coop handbook and a constitution. Sector - mutual This category applies to topics around working relationships across organisations in the open community. Topics in this category serve as a feed or gathering ground for the Solidarity thread of discussions in the Community programme, and also furnish highlights emerging in those sessions. Sector - coop-economy This category applies to topics that engage principles and practices in the cooperative-commons economy. This category tags topics that are a feed or gathering ground for the Coop thread of discussions in the Community programme, or which highlight key insights from those sessions. Dance of infrastructure Here we develop the framing of a collective practice of design justice, focused on digital infrastructure for movement organisations. This is a collaboration between ‘commons.hour’, Remix the Commons and RIPESS Europe. The practice is an extension of the ‘commons.hour’ programme. Sector - toolstack This category applies to topics relating to the tools that we want to use or check out, as an open community of ‘organisers’ of many kinds. These threads can serve as feeds or gathering ground for the Toolstack thread of discussions in the Community programme, and report-backs for publishing outcomes of those sessions. commons.hour 'specials From Summer 2020 the broad approach to a Community Programme will be replaced by ‘commons.hour’ which focuses on the governance of Broader occasional sessions can be organised - one-off or a series - as commons.hour ‘specials’. Specials have the same scope as the original Community programme - ie three threads: toolstack-capabilities, coop-commons economy and solidarity/mutuality.