Dat Community Ecosystem Event (Dat CEE)

2020-06-05 Hypha/Meet.coop <> Dat Community Ecosystem Event (Dat CEE)

Location: https://bbb.hypha.coop/b/ben-nyz-mag
Attending: Diego, Ben


  • Intros
  • BBB instances
    • Community
      • Hypha (max 30 ppl, don’t use this for events)
      • Meet.coop
    • Commercial
  • About the event
    • conference or ongoing
    • infrastructure requirements (own servers, specific geolocations)
    • date and duration
    • format of conference
    • one-to-one (presenters) or one-to-many (discussions)
    • expected simultaneous participants
    • number of video and audio streams
    • number of breakouts
    • user identity and access
    • recording needs
    • budget for videoconferencing


  • Diego, work at GEUT in Argentina, Dat/Hypercore, collab with communities, Dat Community meetings, now organizing Dat event with Franz, Martin, Karissa
  • Ben
    • (talked about connection to dweb communities, event organizing thru DWeb Camp and Our Networks, etc.)
    • (our experience with BBB and how Meet.coop came together, other BBB providers for different scales of events, etc.)
  • Dat Community Ecosystem Event (Dat CEE)
    • conference or ongoing
      • Zoom for meetings that happen every two weeks (may be nice to use BBB)
      • for now a one-time thing
    • infrastructure requirements (own servers, specific geolocations)
      • global event, no specific requirement
      • Germany self-hosted (Meet.coop GPL ansibles)
    • date and duration
      • end of July 30th, probably 1 day event possibly 2
    • format of conference
      • expect 100 max
      • 30-50? depends on promotion
      • format flexible, would like interactive, but can adjust to infra
      • 50/50 between classic presentations and workshops (e.g. VR vs. code together)
      • see lovechaosquarantine.zone
    • one-to-many (presenters) or many-to-many (discussions)
      • potentially one panel with moderator
      • mostly presentation + Q&A
      • workshop (BBB session, live coding, cowork on something, etc.)
    • expected simultaneous participants
      • 30-100
    • number of video and audio streams
      • can BBB moderate? e.g. only speaker can have video-enabled
        • Lock viewers: These options enable you to restrict viewers from using specific features.

    • number of breakouts
      • Ben thinks there is a limit of 8 breakout rooms
    • user identity and access
      • free and open
        • Ben: how to moderate?
          • Diego: team of moderators, kick
        • Ben: no idea how many will actually show
          • Diego: don’t expect unexpected amt of ppl
    • recording needs
      • will be nice
      • Ben: probably not additional cost, since dedi is alrdy there, but short purge time (not hosting long-term content)
    • budget for videoconferencing
      • max USD 5,000 for all of event infra spend (videoconferencing is part of this)
  • Meet.coop

This sounds interesting, I looked at some Collective68 web pages last night after someone from their organisation followed the Webarchitects Twitter account, they might well be interested in the librehosters network.

Let us know how the event went? (I assume it is over now?)

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The Open Publishing Festival is over, but this call is about an upcoming event that Diego and a couple others in the Dat community are planning for July 30.

The Open Publishing Festival has an interesting setup, sessions on the agenda are all on different platforms. It looks like the event provides a BBB server on cloud68, but there are sessions that run on Jitsi, Zoom, even Twitter. It may be a good path for OPEN 2020 as well, as it doesn’t singularly fail on a single platform.

For a session that I attended that was on the cloud68 BBB, it was really nice. 20 people listening, two presenters on video screen sharing and with slides, well moderated with Q&A.

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Hi there, Redon from Cloud68.co here. I just found out about the shout-out. Many thanks :open_hands:.