Hello meet.coop members -
As explained last week (announcement, forum), we have introduced Single Sign-On (SSO) to meet.coop, to streamline the behind-the-scenes management of member accounts. Thank you for your patience as we work to improve meet.coop for everyone!
We have now migrated all accounts to the new system, and everyone should have received the email prompting them to reset their password. Note that the first mail has the subject “[meet.coop Account Activation”. This ‘activation’ is required because we have moved to a new account management system, so all members must follow the prompts to recreate their accounts and reset their login credentials. See this announcement for more details.
Important aspects of the move to a SSO system are explained in the new SSO FAQ, including what Keycloak is, why the changes are necessary and more. Please use the Support space in the forum to add additional questions. We are here to help
If you didn’t get the email: As with any technology-related change, there have been a few challenges as we transition to a new system. Here are some of reasons you might not have received an email:
- Incognito accounts: people with an anonymous membership haven’t been adequately registered in our membership database, and therefore may not have access at the moment. Please contact us contact@meet.coop and we will sort it out.
- Inactive memberships: people may have stopped paying their membership a while ago, but we didn’t deactivate their account immediately (this is part of why we’re improving our account management system!). If you would like to rejoin, please make your contribution through OpenCollective and we will get you set up (again) ASAP. Start at https://www.meet.coop/. If you don’t want to rejoin, just let us know and we’ll ensure you’re removed from the system.
- Multiple email addresses: people who use a different email address for their contribution than for using the online meeting servers. In this case, we may need to do some additional work to ensure you can reactive your account on the new system.
- The email went to your junk folder: if you don’t see the initial email, check your spam or junk folder, please.
Note also that those members with a multi-account or dedicated meet.coop server don’t need to worry about SSO at this moment; login to their servers will continue to work as before.
Thanks again for your patience as work to improve meet.coop. Please reach out via the forum or at contact@meet.coop if you have any questions or concerns.