What services can we offer from 1st July 2020?

I am also not available from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST but before and after.

Does this work for yā€™all?

Of course others are welcome to join, I am just listing the ppl I see who has been in these discussions.


works for me :slight_smile:

will try - may have to juggle / stay muted if baby can not be distracted with toys!

Agaric is using an outsourced BBB for 250-300 people on a dedicated server. Things are going well, but we are hoping to move to meet.coop services ASAP.

I am using WordPress as a front-end for BBB and am able to make unlimited roomsā€¦ so far. I have no GreenLight knowledge. http://communityBridge.com

Time confirmed, same room.

I am looking forward to joining Marketing and Strategy meeting today - I want to promote meet.coop for worker coops in Japan

That pad doesnā€™t support the colspan table cell attribute so I created a draft MediaWiki prices page, I can go into some detail about some of the thinking behind this suggestion at the meeting in an hour.


The #product-strategy-and-services circle agreed on our service level offerings, @wouter will refine the doc to be presented and hopefully adopted this Thursday.

Meeting notes here.

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oh I missed the new timeā€¦ anyway, would be happy to join the product strategy circle from now on @benhylau !

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We definitely should set regular times asap. Hopefully we can do that this Thursday, for each Circle.


I have tried to apply the details we discussed during yesterdaysā€™ Product & Services Circle about the service levels back into the Service Level page.

  • Do we want to talk about ā€œContribution levelsā€ instead of Service Levels?
  • What about the names for the service/contribution levels? Given that we have been changing names per tier between wiki and forum, we can appreciate there not being consensus on that yet :wink: Another possibility would be to change the naming convention altogether. In the second row in the table Iā€™ve pot another option, where ā€œmeet10ā€ refers to the level that allows 10 participants and ā€œmeet50ā€ max 50 participants. Of course these service level definition will change over time and possibly also their names. In any case, what names make us happy?!
  • domain names per service:
    • for the core standard services (up to 50 participants) will we use meet.coop or members.meet.coop or otherwise?
    • for the custom container (up to 100 participants) will we use a personalised subdomain of meet.coop like "entity-name".meet.coop or would we also allow domain names of user members? Here I think there are two perspectives: a) anything a user member wants is fine, coordinating DNS changes takes some remote support, but weā€™re happy to make anyone happy; b) we keep things simple, use only meet.coop subdomains and have a key identifier (the URL) to signal whoā€™s providing the service - thatā€™s great for viral marketing. Any preferences?
    • The completely custom service can allow anything also custom domain names.

Please correct anything that Iā€™ve missed.


Great stuff @wouter :slight_smile:

will we use meet.coop or members.meet.coop

I vote meet.coop

"entity-name".meet.coop or would we also allow domain names of user members?

I vote entity-name.meet.coop
. . only meet.coop subdomains, signal whoā€™s providing the service - we hope to cultivate a community of commons-co-operative-oriented usage, under a common ā€˜bannerā€™ ?

completely custom service

I would still be happy to see meet.coop here too, for the above reason. Itā€™s still our infrastructure and our service. Even if itā€™s ā€˜theirā€™ infrastructure (ie if they directly rent the server) itā€™s our operational labour and our collective configured capability that constitute the service.

meet10 / meet50 etc

looks good to me

Do we want to talk about ā€œContribution levelsā€ instead of Service Levels?

I would say ā€˜contributionā€™ refers to what comes into the coop - labour, or money (funding) - and what we provide to users is ā€˜serviceā€™. I think we should offer service levels, expect and require fair-use observance of these, and invite funding contributions of X-plus ā‚¬ (with a possibility of ā€œcrowdfunding top-upā€?) at fair-use level X. Emphasising the level of fair use (aka service) is important I think?

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We can only create sub-domains of meet.coop for external entities that are co-operatives and then only with agreement, see the third-level domain policy, for Greenlight containers best use a sub-domain provided by the client.


best use a sub-domain provided by the client

Might we also have a non-coop domain that we could freely create subdomains in? Eg omc. Keeping our service visible in the url would be good, I think.

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Thanks for pulling this together, looking good!


I donā€™t like the ā€œIndividual/Micro/Small/Organization/Largeā€ and prefer the new names, but tying them to participant limit may be weird as thatā€™s a number that could change in the future.

Since we are using the terms Members and Contribution Levels, why donā€™t we name the tiers like this in two rows, or is it too confusing?

Contribution Free Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Organization Custom
Membership None Individual membership Individual membership Individual membership Organizational membership Organizational membership

I wonder when an individual contributes at the Organization/Custom level, are they considered an Organizational User Member, especially in relation to votes, etc. when that gets specā€™d out. If not, then using the word ā€œOrganizationā€ here at all will make things confusing.

My suggested footnotes

1 Membership offers the right to participate as a User Member at the Online Meeting Cooperative, and is part of all Contribution Levels except for Free accounts.
2 Recorded rooms will be enabled on the shared cluster in the coming months, when per-room recording can be controlled through the Greenlight interface.
3 Members may use our Event Server with dedicated resources for a time duration at additional cost in the coming months.
4 A Fair Use Policy applies, where members commit themselves to contribute according to the agreed contribution levels and seek to live together as friendly commoners on the shared platforms.
5 BigBlueButton recommends that no single session exceed 100 users.
6 Amounts are exclusive of applicable sales tax.

Thanks, Chris for reminding the dotCoop subdomain policy. I looked through it and one of the requirements is "Users must be members of the second level registrant organization; "

Isnā€™t this the key thing? The service is ours, to our members. Thereā€™s nothing no-cooperative about it that would exclude us. I mean the fact that we would offer xx.meet.coop to a subgroup of members is still a meet.coop service, weā€™re in no way renting out subdomains or something like it.

If the doubt remains, maybe it would be good to check with dotCoop about it?

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yeap, thatā€™s true, the #participants can change, and possibly we come up with meet150 or whatever when thatā€™d be suitable.

the concept looks very good to me, only Iā€™m not sure the individual / Organisational distinction here: that will depend on the legal form of a given member: if one joins a person, or as an organisation.
And besides, why would an organisation not be able to go for Level 2 or 3?

for the above reason I agree that ā€œOrganisationā€ here is confusing; Iā€™d rather see another Service / Contribution level. What would you prefer?

Yes, please apply these improvements in the wiki, @benhylau


Maybe youā€™re right, we offer the service level. At the same time members choose a contribution level that comes with a certain service level. Haha, thatā€™s not making it clearer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: