Session#4 discussion

Organising for sustainability in digital commons

This is a thread for discussion related to Session#4 of commons.hour.

Post-meeting links (including video recording and shared notes) are be posted below.

For the original session announcement see: Sign-up - commons.hour - session#4 - #2 by mogams

Meanwhile . . An hour in a video meeting isn’t going to tap all the dimensions!! Do please get started below at any time, on the big issues underlying this month’s session :+1:

Post-meeting links & resources

Full-feature video playback. Play in Firefox or Chrome on a laptop. Includes text chat w clickable links, slide indexing, whiteboard annotations, video thumbnails, toggle between slide and thumbnail focus.
Reduced mp4 download Slides & audio only - no whiteboard annotations, no video thumbnails, no text chat

Presentations and slides were in Spanish. Materials include English interpretation to accompany the session videorecording. But it’s a little fragmentary, as are the shared notes. However, also included below are several rich articles in English on femProcomuns and CommonsCloud, which clarify and extend things in the presentations.

Captions: English interpretation of Spanish presentation Nextcloud
Captions: Castellano Nextcloud
Shared notes: Nextcloud
Slide deck: Nextcloud
Public chat: Nextcloud
All these are in the session#4 folder in commons.hour public

Handbook take-home points - see

Associated material (English):
femProcomuns practice and The Five Pillars model:

CommonsCloud, technical and organisational matters: