
meta Topics here outline overall characteristics of the handbook, and the handbook as a design project in the commons. Also, licensing of the content. Principles Vsion, mission & principles of meet.coop, and ways we mean to operationalise the principles as practical protocols in commoning digital infrastructure and operating a coop. Assemblies & deliberations The architecture of spaces in which the work of stewarding & provisioning in meet.coop is done: assemblies & reviews, deliberations & choices, design practices & cultural exchanges. Thus also, privileges and obligations: of membership in the meet.coop commons, and practice in the stack of digitally mediated spaces. Social relations Principles in the design and operating practice of meet.coop . . as a community of digital commoners, mobilising the meet.coop commons, and effectively and fluently organising transformative practices. At the heart are: a mapping of ‘sectors’ of our plural community, plural affiliations and commitments in civil-society activism (going ‘beyond the fragments’), and a commitmnent to design justice and tools for convivlality. Projects Topics describe projects for developing the coop and the commons of meet.coop. This specifically includes commons.hour , a project through which we design, initiate and sustain the practical frame of multistakeholder stewarding of the commons in meet.coop, and also, principles and protocols of design justice for digital infrastruture. Political economy Membership and members’ contributions in meet.coop, political and ethical economy in a commons - a contribution economy rather than a regime of ownership - and financial & livelihood aspects of contributing in the meet.coop commons. Reference Topics identify documents that help to underpin and elaborate key constructs, frames, principles and protocols in the main text of the handbook, or identify significant practical relationships in developing and sustaining the meet.coop community. Commentary Comments and conversations on the evolving Handbook and the contents of its Reference section.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 288 30 June 2022
0 390 18 September 2022
0 264 8 October 2022
0 203 8 October 2022
0 292 18 September 2022
0 340 11 August 2022
0 304 18 September 2022
0 283 18 September 2022
0 375 18 September 2022
0 220 18 September 2022
0 286 18 September 2022
0 283 18 September 2022
0 293 18 September 2022
0 313 18 September 2022
0 264 18 September 2022
0 260 18 September 2022
0 229 18 September 2022
0 245 18 September 2022
0 288 18 September 2022
0 257 18 September 2022
0 357 18 September 2022
0 367 18 September 2022
0 229 18 September 2022
0 290 18 September 2022
1 403 11 August 2022
1 277 11 August 2022
0 255 11 August 2022
1 252 1 July 2022